Saturday, August 6, 2011

NEWS: Halfbad Tease New Toys on Twitter

It's been a while since we've seen anything from Halfbad Toyz but that's hopefully something that will be rectified very soon...

Halfbad Toyz' Adam posted a Twitter update yesterday stating:

Ok. I am back in the saddle. Planning releases for late August/September, and some mini figs before that. Look out.

What's interesting is earlier in the day he Tweeted this comment to the University of MUSCLE:

I will have the prototype picture and pricing for you Monday morning! Halfbad Keshi are go!

No word yet on whether these releases be limited-run toys, a release date (beyond before the ''late August/September'' date mentioned above) or whether they'll be original figures or customised bootlegs, but we'll hopefully know more next week.


  1. =) More info soon.

  2. Awesome! I'll look forward to seeing what you guys have planned!
