Wednesday, August 3, 2011

NEWS: Infinite Earths Subscription Service Dead in the Water?

We brought you the news yesterday that Poison Ivy was to be among the first wave of figures in Mattel's new Infinite Earths DC Universe Collector Club - providing enough collectors subscribed to the club.

Unfortunately, it looks as if they haven't.

In an update over at Battlegrip, Phillip summarises the situation in a very detailed manner but put simply, Mattel set the Infinite Earths Collector Club a minimum target (25% of the expected uptake) and - as of August 3rd, just two days before the target's deadline - the uptake meter on the club's website is still sitting at just 20%.

As Philip points out, the meter hasn't moved in days, so it could be that Mattel hasn't updated the site or that there's a glitch with the automated updates. Personally I'm wondering if it's a smart marketing ploy to goad potential subscribers into action. Whatever the cause, though, it's not looking good for the Infinite Earths Club.

No doubt we'll be hearing more on this issue when Friday's deadline comes around.


  1. Give up on milking the Fanboys?!! Never. I bet they will just come around and say that the meter was broken.

  2. I hope it is just a website issue. I don't collect them myself but it's a shame to see a toy line go under, especially one with such a fanbase.
