Tuesday, November 8, 2011

NEWS: Marvel Vs CapCom 3 Minimates Gallery

The Art Asylum has posted a very cool collection of images from their new Marvel Vs Capcom 3 Minimates line.

Featuring the brightest and best heroes from the House of Ideas (with The Hulk, Iron Man and Deadpool all putting in appearances) going-up against characters from Capcom's classic titles (including the Street Fighter series, Resident Evil, Devil May Cry and more), these very cool Minimates two-packs are available now at your local Toys R Us and through specialist and comic stores.


  1. These are pretty cool but I passed on them last night. Will pick a few of them up probably next week.

  2. Diamond Select are becoming one of my favourite toy manufacturers in terms of their quality. It's just I don't find any of their stuff the kind of thing I'd personally buy and I don't know why...

  3. Am looking to get a few of these maybe soon if i can find the ones i want.
