Monday, July 23, 2012

NEWS: Stretch Armstrong Movie Update

For the literally dozens of you who've lain awake at night wondering, ''what's happening about the movie adaptation of the popular-for-ten-minutes bendy action figure Stretch Armstrong?'' you'll be pleased to hear that Hasbro hasn't forgotten about you.

As reported at Deadline, Stretch Armstrong may still be a couple of years away (April 2014 is the date they're shooting for) but there's been a flurry of activity around the rubber-man-to-big-screen adaptation.

First up, fans of the Twilight series will be disheartened to learn that shirtless baby-loving werewolf Taylor Lautner is no longer attached to the movie. In other good news, director of the surprisingly good The Crazies remake Breck Eisner will be taking-up directorial duties on a script being penned by Dean ''Paycheck'' Georgaris.

Interestingly, the pair are aiming for a ''gritty and realistic'' tone for the project, stating ''This original story will be a gritty actioner introducing the character of Lucas Armstrong and the life-or-death consequences he will face after undergoing a transformation granting him superhuman abilities.''

Quite how they plan on turning a bendy man in his underpants into a ''gritty action'' hero remains to be seen but I'm sure we'll learn more as development continues on the project.

Deadline: Stretch Armstrong moving forward as 'gritty actioner' sans Taylor Lautner

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