Friday, August 17, 2012


Not content with writing and performing kick-ass songs about X-Ray Specs, The Prisoner and a host of other matters eclectic, Michael J. Epstein and Sophia Cacciola of (among other things) Do Not Forsake Me Oh My Darling and Darling Pet Munkee have now set their sights on producing their first feature-length movie.

Entitled Ten, the movie is a darkly surreal horror movie, based on an original ''fake trailer'' submitted as part of the Brattle Theater Trailer Smackdown. As audience response was so supportive, Michael and Sophia have decided to take the concept to the next level.

They're looking to raise $11,000 to turn the trailer into a full movie and this is where you can help: head over to the project's Kickstarter page and pledge your support. In return you'll not only see the movie made but could also receive a number of incentives, from copies of the movie to musical instruments and even the collaborative skills of Michael and Sophia!

And remember: even if you can't help the movie financially, you can still support it by getting the word out there.

Kickstarte: Ten

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