Tuesday, August 14, 2012

REVIEW: SLUG Zombies Series 2 - Stu B' You

Produced by JAKKS Pacific | Released August 2012

Previous Job: Head Chef
Likes: Fresh Meat
Dislikes: Canned Foods and Dumb Waiters
Favorite Food: Large Intestine Lasagna

SLUG Zombies Series 2
As regular readers will know, we love SLUG Zombies. So much so that rather than simply do a cover-all Review of the latest Series, we're focusing on a single figure each day. Yesterday we began the process with the ape-turned-zombie Mr Jangles, but today it's the turn of former Head Chef (heh) Stu B' You.

Stu B' You
Stu B' You is a great example of the ghoulish humor possessed by the SLUG Zombies line, both in terms of his pun-laden name and the figure's design. 

Stu B' You is currently available in a 3-figure pack and as part of the 12-figure boxed set.

Sculpt and Design
Stu B' You is depicted in his work clothes, complete with tall chef's hat and ragged apron. I've always been a fan of the undead in movies that have a ''theme'' to them - Dawn of the Dead's Hare Krishna, Shaun of the Dead's Cycle Courier (AKA Tyres) and the Conquistadors of Zombi 2. I like that there's a bit of back-story to them, as it makes them a little more interesting and Stu B' You's former role as a Head Chef (heh) is front and center in his design.

There are some great, ghoulish details in the sculpt, too, with the foot-and-hand pot being a real stand-out. But look closer and you'll also spot some smaller details, such as the missing shoe, his hat's folds and creases, an assortment of scars and the superb face sculpt, all of which are very nicely executed. He's a solid, very chunky figure and that's reflected in the head design, which features a set of double chins and slack jowls, yet also has a somewhat sunken, undead look to it. Hats off to JAKKS Pacific's designers for that one.

I particularly like this sturdy feel this figure has. He stands well, his pose is great and - best of all - he has some weight to him. He's chunky, tactile and very solid.

Like the other SLUG Zombies, Stu B' You is cast from a solid color with no paint app - although if you've the patience and talent, there's no reason why you couldn't paint him yourself (and if anybody does, please let us know, as I'd love to see a colorized version of the character.)

Final Thoughts
Stu B' You is everything I love about the SLUG Zombies line: he's solid, he stands well unaided, there's a great sense of humor about him (although I'm surprised JAKKS Pacific missed a gag about him making ''Ghoulash'') and there's plenty of ''hidden'' detail to discover upon further inspection.

I particularly like the face sculpt. It's actually pretty terrifying when you look closely and will probably give a few younger kids nightmares. But there's also a superb level of very cool minor detail on the figure's ''accessories'' such as the body parts floating in his bowl and the detailing on his chef's uniform. It gives him a strong identity and story beyond just being ''a zombie'' and that's a good thing in my book.

A fun, ghoulish minifigure fans of Garbage Pail Kids-style gross-out humor will love.

Final Score: A-

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