Monday, September 24, 2012

NEWS: Transforming Collections Update

As you may know, Phillip ''Battlegrip'' Reed's Kickstarter-funded project, Transforming Collections, reached its initial target sometime ago. But that's only the beginning...

In the latest project update, Phillip has announced that backers wishing to receive more than two copies of the book may now do so by adding another $10 per copy to their pledge, an option open to all donations at the Generation One Protector or higher level (that's $12+ for those of us who don't speak Transformerish.)

In addition, this weekend saw funding pass the $4000 mark (an incredible achievement, given the original goal was $999!), unlocking two new backer-reward stickers. Offering a sneak peek of what we can expect at the $5000 funding level, which is just $700 away, Phillip has revealed that Callgrim creator Jesse Moore will be contributing some original artwork to the project, should - or more likely, when - it hits this next goal.

There's just six days remaining, so if you'd like to help take Transforming Collections to the next level then head over to its Kickstarter page to make a donation.

Kickstarter: Transforming Collections Toy Reference Book

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