Monday, October 8, 2012

NEWS: Figure of the Day No More

We're saddened to report that the rather awesome Figure of the has folded.

We LOVE our loyal fan base and customers who have rooted for Figure of the Day from day one! We are SAD that we have to say goodbye to the business, but most of all, to our community! :( 

Here at Figure of the Day, we poured every DROP of PASSION into every sale that was made, every package that was packed, and every customer that entered our site, sadly, it was not enough. We have done all we can with the very small team and resources we have. Our dream was to expand and be the Nordstrom of the Pop Culture World, by giving GREAT customer service, free shipping and LOW prices. Now we are offering a fan of the site a chance to take Figure of the Day to the NEXT LEVEL!

Our goal is that Figure of the Day's domain stays within the Pop Culture community, but it is open to everyone. If you are interested in taking ownership of the domain, and would like further information about our business, traffic, revenue, and much more, please send an email to

Also, we want to give a HUGE thanks to the manufacturers, distributors, those that featured us, and to everyone that supported Figure of the Day! THANK YOU!

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