Wednesday, October 3, 2012

NEWS: Man-E-Toys' HUSTLE Ed Skworm Vs Min-E-Faces 2-Pack

Tru:Tek over at Man-E-Toys is proud to present the debut of H.U.S.T.L.E, a brand new M.U.S.C.L.E inspired mini-figure line featuring a whole host of bootlegs, customs and original toys with more than a hint of 80’s nostalgia!

Dedicated to our blog’s namesake, MOTU’s Man-E-Faces, the first 2 figures will be coming in the form of a duel-style pack, featuring Min-E-Face (the hero of H.U.S.T.L.E) versus ‘Ed Skworm (one of the many villains of the H.U.S.T.L.E Universe). Re-sculpted and kit-bashed by Man-E-Toys’ Tru:Tek, and produced by Steve Patt of Papagrim Toys, the pair are due to come packaged in an authentic, hologram stamped clamshell blister pack, complete with laminated collectible stat cards with artwork from “Critters” creator Zectron.

The first 2 editions, the clear resin cast Toxic Green and Ultra Violet (GID) will be going on sale in the Man-E-Toys store this Friday (October 5th) at 9pm London time for $25 plus shipping. Edition size has been limited to just 10 of each…

Joining both Toxic Green and Ultra Violet in the coming weeks, we will also be offering Noir and Muscle Flesh editions, alongside a limited supply of rubbers (cast by our very own Tru:Tek) for the mini figure purists. 

Next month will see the release of another figure set in the form of Min-E-Face’s first allies, the Skworm Hunter 3 pack… This time around cast in equal supplies of both resin and rubber, the set will feature Standard, Bully and Youth designs in a variety of colours. Head over to the @trutek Instagram for a preview of the Standard figure! (direct link to preview)

Check out our many posts on H.U.S.T.L.E here for any further information…

MIN-E-FACE// Cast aside from the MAN-E family at birth due to a rare defect that left him without the use of two of his faces, Min-E was kindly taken in by an NJPW wrestler who nurtured the otherworldly fighting skill that laid dormant inside the young boy. Sworn enemy of the Skworm (his estranged family’s closest ally), MIN-E is about to embark on his biggest quest yet- to rid the world once and for all of these putrid, sickly creatures and gain revenge on the family that once left him for dead!

‘ED SKWORM// Although one of the smallest species of [sick worm], the ‘Ed Skworm is widely known as the most brutal. Reported to be able to ingest a whole human head within 6.66 seconds, natives of the Stench (the Skworm’s most common hunting ground) have taken to wearing ‘Pepto-dysmal’ charms, the sorry beast’s only weakness, in a bid to stay alive. With a penchant for midget Japanese Pro wrestlers, our hero Min-E will have to watch his back or he’ll be losing the use of three faces instead of two!

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