Monday, January 21, 2013

AFFILIATE LINK: GI Joe: Retaliation Wave 2 Case

We brought you the news earlier today that the second wave of GI Joe: Retaliation figures had been spotted at retail. But why spend all that time, effort and gas money trying to track them down in your local stores (not to mention the disappointment when you only find the left-overs of a picked-over wave or, worse, nothing at all) when with a couple of clicks you could order them through Entertainment Earth?

This case of 12 figures features a refresh of some of Wave 1's most popular characters along with newcomers Firefly, Flint and the all-new Snake Eyes and is in-stock and ready to roll right now.


  1. I would like to order one Snake Eyes please, hold the lips; a Roadblock...wait, are those hands functional? Ok, yeah one Roadblock...and a Firefly for dessert.

    1. I believe this Roadblock not only has proper hands but also sports a little more articulation than the previous one (but don't quote me on that - I need to get one for myself to confirm!)
