Wednesday, January 23, 2013

NEWS: Doctor Who 3 3/4'' Scale Figures

2013 marks the 50th Anniversary of Doctor Who's first appearance on British television screens, so it comes as no surprise to learn that the BBC has a number of treats planned for fans of the wandering Time Lord. And for toy collectors, that includes a new line of 3 3/4'' scale action figures.

As revealed at the 2013 London Toy Fair, plans are afoot to release a line of smaller scale (and lower price point, hopefully) figures, play sets and more.

The first wave is set to include the 11th Doctor, a Weeping Angel, a Dalek, the new-look Cyberman (possibly based upon the update seen in Neil Gaiman's upcoming Cyber-centric episode) and new companion, Clara (who it appears may be released in two forms.)

The line-up is also set to include a 3 3/4'' scale TARDIS (exterior only for now, sadly), plus four connecting play sets featuring ''unique accessories.'' In the example below it appears to be a Dalek Flying Platform, a nice little callback to the old comic books.

Other releases include a series of new 5'' figures, a range of ''Mashem'' squishy monster heads, anniversary Daleks, re-releases of fan-favorites the Sonic Screwdrivers and much, much more.

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