Tuesday, January 15, 2013

NEWS: GI Joe: Retaliation Wave 2 Firefly & Flint Reviews

We're still waiting for the figures to hit retail but HISS Tank poster Danielgogeta managed to snag both Flint and Firefly from the upcoming GI Joe: Retaliation Wave 2 line-up and was kind enough to present us with his incredible-looking photo reviews of both over at the 'Tank. Although it seems Hasbro is still being a little mean in the articulation department (yet- as Daniel points out - they're happy to include zip line/gimmicky accessories) the sculpt work on these figures is pretty impressive, as you can see from Daniel's amazing photos.


  1. I think the Flint is salvageable with a pair of spare legs from the fodder bin.

    While Firefly is worth it for the Ray Stevenson head sculpt alone.

    1. I've seen a few follow-up posts over at The HISS Tank where people are expressing how poor these figures are (based 99% of the time on the images) yet I'm looking forward to them. But then again I thought the Retaliation Zartan was really neat, despite his reduced articulation.

  2. Both of these are great but man that Firefly is cool.

    1. Yup. I'm sure I'll be picking up Flint but Firefly has the edge.
