Thursday, November 20, 2014

NEWS: Imaginext Series 4 Revealed!

As regular readers of That Figures will know, we're big fans of Fisher-Prices' ''you know, for kids'' line of toys, Imaginext. We also love blind-bag figures and toys. And that's why we're big fans of the Imaginext Collectible Figures line. So you can imagine just how pleased we were to learn that the series is not only continuing into a fourth Wave but that it looks to be one of the best yet...

As reported over at Toyriffic, an image of the eight new figures has surfaced online and, as you can see, it looks like we're in for another awesome wave.

As ever the line-up not only includes some awesome-looking fantasy/sci-fi characters (Space Ape!) but also, for the first time, something we've been severely lacking in the Collectible Figures line-up - females!
Sadly there's still no Wolfman in the line-up (which we really do need to round-off the Universal Monsters-style collection) but I'm sure fans will agree that there's a lot of great-looking figures to be had here.

No word on when we can expect to see these figures at retail but we'll be sure to let you know when we find them!


  1. Am going after the space ape and the witch.

    1. The Boxer and Basketball Player leave me a little cold (although the clown may work as an addition to my monster line-up!) but the others are definitely on my ''to get'' list. I'm just hoping it's not a repeat of Wave 2, which never showed up here!

  2. Pretty exciting to see the two girls here in this wave!

    1. I know! I was just saying to my wife (yeah, we have conversations about toys!) that the only Imaginext female figures I could think of were the DC ones, so it's great to see the ladies getting added. And with such great figures, too. I love that Snowboarder!

  3. I want that creepy clown for some reason but its nice to see some female figures for imaginext series (beside DC).

    1. Yeah, like I said above, part of me thinks he'd make a good addition to my monster line-up!

  4. 77 is the gorilla astronaut and 82 is the mad scientist

  5. The robot is 79, witch is 72, the clown is 80,the boxer is 78, the lady snowboarder is 71

    1. Awesome thanks. We have all the codes listed here - - but it's awesome to get verification on them!
