Wednesday, February 11, 2015

IN OTHER NEWS... 2/11/2015

A preview of tonight's episode of The 100, massive Marvel news and a look forward to Friday's awesome SyFy line-up (that's 12 Monkeys and Helix for those not keeping score.)

12 Monkeys
If you haven't been watching SyFy's excellent 12 Monkeys, then it's not too late - go watch them now over at (and you can thank me later.) But if you have, then you'll be anxious to know just where (or when!!!!) the show is going next. Thankfully you won't have to wait too long to find out but to bridge the gap from now until Friday, here's a sneak peek of Episode 5, ''The Night Room.''
Spider-man and Marvel
After years of regret-filled hand-wringing and the bashing of heads on desks, Marvel is finally welcoming Spider-man back home - or more specifically, into the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

Sony Pictures Entertainment (presumably realizing that creating a shared-universe line of movies isn't as easy as they thought it would be) announced that they're joining forces with Marvel Studios in a deal that would allow the webslinger to crossover with other characters from Marvel's movies.

You can read the press release (which looks to have been written by a Sony PR guy based on the hilariously pro-Sony wording) over at

The 100
Here's the trailer for tonight's episode, ''The Rubicon.''
And here's a preview of SyFy's just-go-with-it-crazy episode of Helix, airing this Friday.

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