Tuesday, February 3, 2015

NEWS: Imaginext Collectible Figures Series 4 Codes!

Wave 4 of Imaginext's awesome Collectible Figures has landed! And we have the codes!

The new wave (currently reported as being available in Meijer stores in the Midwest), features eight figures - and for the first time, female characters (yay! As ever the wave covers a wide range of characters and professions, with a healthy dose of sci-fi/fantasy weirdness thrown in just for good measure.

Anyway, here's the coding (the number will be embossed on the top right of the packaging's rear), although as ever we advise using this method as a guide only - always remember to squeeze the pack to identify character-specific parts (such as surf boards) as this will help confirm which figure is within.

70 - Boxer*
71 - Snowboarder
72 - Witch
77 - Space Gorilla
79 - Evil Robot
80 - Clown
81 - Basketball player
82 - Mad Scientist

* Since publishing this article, we've been informed that the Boxer has been found with the code of 78, which would fill the gap between the Space Gorilla and Evil Robot. We'll hopefully confirm this for ourselves soon.

It's also interesting to note that, unlike previous waves, there's a gap in the numbering. I wonder if there were originally figures intended to fill that but which were then pulled...?

With thanks to the awesome crew at the Imaginext Generation Facebook group.


  1. wish they'd just stick with the sci-fi / fantasy.

    1. I like my fantasy/sci-fi/monster stuff for sure but I'm sure there are kids out there who want a clown or snowboarder or sports figure. Plus kids will always find a way to integrate different stuff into their play scenarios. I don't think they really care if it makes no sense (to us) that their basketball player is fighting Dracula with the help of a deep sea diver...

    2. You have to think of the blind bag series as a sort of a "Rifts Between Worlds" Theme were anything is possible and such you have all sorts of different things existing together. Maybe the Clown has magicl powers and can bring balloon animals to life? Maybe the Boxer has super boxing gloves or maybe the Snowboarder just got pulled into hybrid mess and has no idea how to get home. It really is whatever you can imagine next.

  2. Replies
    1. He's totally gonna be in my Alpha squad. I think I'll make him operate the Walker cannon...

  3. Replies
    1. Isn't he supposed to be one of the Harlem Globetrotters?

  4. Gotta have that psycho clown! Space Ape is a must have too!

    1. I think there's only the boxer and basketball player I'm not bothered about, although I may grab the former for that punchbag/dummy, as it would make a great armor rack...

  5. Thank you for these! Kids are happy + I saved money. Yes!!

  6. I got completely different codes from this. My 71 and 72 were the same, I had no 70, and it totally goes off the rails from yours at 76.

    1. That's interesting. I wonder if they've introduced a new set of codes... I think it's pretty much been confirmed that 70 is 78 (although it does look a lot like a 70 from certain angles) but I've not heard of any problems with the other codes...
