Monday, June 6, 2011

FEATURE: I Like Resin Toys by ToysREvil

Although That Figures tends to focus a lot on more mainstream toys like GI Joe and Hasbro's Marvel line, we also appreciate the work of countless indie toy companies and individual designers who work outside of the mainstream. Although vinyl and paper are popular media to work in, the latest trend is to cast in resin. It's cheap, easy to use, readily available and can - if you've the skill to work with it - produce some stunning effects.

ToysREvil has posted a highly-informative feature in which he speaks with some of the world's leading resin artists, provides an insight into this growing phenomenon and showcases some of the best resin works seen to date. It's well worth the time and effort to read and will certainly give you a new appreciation of the works of artists like Halfbad Toyz, Smash Tokyo Toys, L. Design and other resin toy designers.

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