That Figures is a website dedicated to the hobby of collecting toys. Although primarily focused on Imaginext, Microman/Micronauts, Marvel Universe 3 3/4'' figures, GI Joe, Lego and Glyos toys, you'll also find Reviews and News covering a number of other, more obscure toy lines and designer/''art'' toys, plus the occasional retro piece.
Our Review Policy
It's our aim to provide fun, enjoyable Reviews that also arm you with the information you need to make your buying decision. After all, aside from a few exceptions, every toy Reviewed at That Figures comes from my personal collection - in other words, I lay down my cash for toys the same way you do. So if a toy doesn't come up to scratch, we'll be the first to let you know.
Our Review Policy
It's our aim to provide fun, enjoyable Reviews that also arm you with the information you need to make your buying decision. After all, aside from a few exceptions, every toy Reviewed at That Figures comes from my personal collection - in other words, I lay down my cash for toys the same way you do. So if a toy doesn't come up to scratch, we'll be the first to let you know.
That Figures is updated on an ad-hoc basis, as and when we find something fun or exciting to cover. Apologies for not providing a more rigid structure but hey, we don't get paid for this so yah-boo-sucks.
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Alternatively, you can email us with your feedback and comments.
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That Figures is updated on an ad-hoc basis, as and when we find something fun or exciting to cover. Apologies for not providing a more rigid structure but hey, we don't get paid for this so yah-boo-sucks.
Have Your Say!
All News items, Reviews and Features offer visitors the chance to leave Comments. It's always good to let us know what you think, so feel free to leave a comment or query - feedback and (constructive!) criticism is always welcomed!
Alternatively, you can email us with your feedback and comments.
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You can help support our efforts by making your purchases through our Entertainment Earth affiliate program. Put simply, if you follow this link (or any of our Affiliate Links) and then make a purchase, we receive a commission. This doesn't affect the price you pay and requires no additional effort on your part.
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That Figures Toys Accessories Shop
If you're looking for the That Figures Toys that carries replacement toy and action figure accessories, you'll find their site here.
If you're looking for the That Figures Toys that carries replacement toy and action figure accessories, you'll find their site here.