Monday, June 6, 2011

SITE NEWS: Computer Woes

Hopefully nothing will come of this but it looks as if my graphics card is about to pass away, as I'm having display issues whenever I attempt any kind of visually-intensive process such as gaming or watching full-screen video.

If there's a lack of updates over the next few days or you email That Figures and do not get a reply, you know why. 

Normal service will continue for as long as possible.


  1. Dude that sucks i hope you can get everything fixed.

  2. I've sourced a new card, which I'm picking-up tomorrow night so hopefully all will be good in the next couple of days.

  3. Yeah, me too! Every time I type something I panic that I'm going to crash the computer!

  4. New card is installed and running. Hopefully all is well. Now I just have to solve why my USB ports are a little wobbly.


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