Tuesday, July 19, 2011

NEWS: Amazing Spider-Man Trailer Hits The Web

A bootleg of the trailer for next year's Amazing Spider-Man has hit the Internet.

Whilst Columbia Pictures has been removing the video wherever it finds it (and quite rightly, as it's their property), we did manage to get a look at the two minute trailer and have a couple of observations to share...

Note that the following may contain spoilers.

In what appears to be a nod to (or is possibly even lifted directly from) the Ultimate Spider-Man comic series, Peter's parents are involved in ''something'' clandestine and the trailer hints that their deaths may not have been accidental, which is something we haven't seen in any of the previous movie adaptations.

The trailer also features an incredible first person perspective run, jump, crawl and swing across the rooftops of New York which is sure to induce motion sickness, especially when viewed in 3D.

Hopefully the trailer will see an official release soon.

The Amazing Spider-Man is in theatres July 3rd, 2012.

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