Tuesday, July 19, 2011

NEWS: The Walking Dead Season 2 Sneak Peek

AMC has already started teasing us with some footage from The Walking Dead's Season 2, which ''those in the know'' are predicting will air as part of the channel's Halloween programming slot. But if you want to see more before October, then read on...

The Mary Sue has a sneak peek of the new Season, which you should watch immediately - but only if you've a strong stomach, as this is pretty gory.

Although the scene seems fairly mundane (or as mundane as any scene featuring the undead could be) it's  interesting to note Rick's attire - or lack of it. Given he's rarely seen without his hat and would certainly not leave home without a weapon, it would appear he's either been caught unawares or had his gear taken from him (I'm leaning toward the latter from his demeanor and attitude.) I'm sure readers of the comicbook will have their own ideas as to who could be responsible for that...

We'll see if I'm right when The Walking Dead Season Two airs later this year.

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