Tuesday, July 12, 2011

NEWS: John Carter of Mars Behind-The-Scenes

If you've been living on another planet for the last year or so, you may not know that the Next Big Thing is John Carter of Mars. 

Marvel has already announced it's adapting the Edgar Rice Burrough's series of books into comic form later this year and now HitFix has the behind-the-scenes skinny on the upcoming movie adaptation, set to hit the big screen in 2012.

For those unfamiliar with the John Carter of Mars series, the books tell the tale of the titular hero, a former Civil War soldier, transported to the mysterious world of Barsoom, the planet we know as Mars. Here he finds a world of warlike tribes, fearsome creatures and super-technology. Mixing high adventure with science fantasy, the John Carter of Mars series features eleven books, starting with A Princess of Mars, published in 1911 and to this day remains one of the most influential sci-fi/fantasy creations.

Now Disney and Pixar are bringing the Warrior of Mars' adventures to the big screen next Summer in their CGI-live action mix, John Carter. And HitFix has the inside story, thanks to their interview with Writer-Director Andrew Stanton

We'll hopefully see more of John Carter later this week when the trailer is officially released.

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