Wednesday, August 24, 2011

NEWS: DCU Classics Legion of Superheroes Gallery

Whenever anybody asks me why I'm not a fan of DC's superhero canon, I can silence all their queries and protests with just five words, ''The Legion of Super Heroes.''

Now whilst I may not be a fan of the actual line-up of second-rate, would-be heroes - nay, sidekicks - I can at least appreciate the work that's gone into this DC Universe Classics Legion of Super Heroes Matty Collector-exclusive pack.

OK, so Matter-Eater Lad (who comes from the planet Bismoll - as in Pepto-Bismol. Seriously) isn't going to get me subscribing so I can get this 12-figure pack but I have to admit that Mattel has done a pretty good job capturing the gee-gosh wow cheese of each character.

Anyway, you can check-out the 12-figure set over at The ToyArk in this rather cool gallery.


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