Thursday, August 11, 2011

NEWS: Little Plastic Man's FlatHeads - Wave 5

Little Plastic Man continues his amazing line of paper toys with the release of FlatHeads Wave 5.

The five new designs - Hellboy, Cherry Blossom, Space Invaders, Captured and (my personal favourite) Chest Burster - are available now to download from Little Plastic Man's site.

And don't forget that you can also contribute to the People's FlatHeads project. Simply download the ''blank'' FlatHead, create your own design(s) and then send them back. The best designs will then be included in a new wave of People's FlatHeads. Seriously, how often do you get the chance to design your own figures?


  1. Hey thanks for promoting the People's FlatHeads bro

  2. Not a problem. I'd be trying it myself if I had the art skills to do so. :)
