Thursday, August 11, 2011

NEWS: Wolverine Anime This Friday

Earlier this week we looked at the upcoming Iron Man Anime. But what we haven't told you is that this isn't the only new Marvel-themed animation we'll be seeing this week.

A second Anime show, Wolverine, also premieres this Friday and Marvel has been kind enough to share a few images from the show, along with some concept art and even a preview clip, all of which you can see for yourself here.

The hour-long block of Marvel Anime kicks-off at 11PM EST on G4, with Armoured Avenger's inaugural adventure being followed by the season premiere of  Wolverine. Note that both shows are intended for older audiences and feature strong violence and - in the case of Wolverine - coarse language.

No word yet on when we can expect to see the X-Men Anime.but we'll keep you posted.

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