Friday, September 16, 2011

SPONSORED LINK: Captain America International Patriots 3-Pack

Captain America isn't the only super-patriot. The British Isles are protected by Captain Britain and Russia has her very own dynamic defender in the form of The Red Guardian. And now you can own all three in this Captain America: The First Avenger International Patriots pack, which is available now from Big Bad Toy Store.

Although this three-pack was given a retail release, numbers were limited and most collectors experienced great difficulty in actually tracking it down or - even worse - had their online orders from the retailer cancelled, so if you missed-out now's your chance to grab all three.


  1. They have a big stack of these at my uncle's K-Mart store he is the manager of and am not kidding either i don't think anyone as bought these.

  2. That's weird. I know loads of people ordered them and were then given either ''replacement'' figures or their orders were simply cancelled by the store. Now we know where they all wound-up - at your uncle's!

  3. Yeah i guess it was Captain America over kill now am just waiting to see if they marked these bad boys down not that am really interested in them out side of maybe the Red Guardian fig.

  4. Some of the TFA figures were pretty weak but I've seen quite a few reviews of this pack and it's supposedly very good. I'm a big Captain Britain fan and this is the only time they've released this costume.


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