Wednesday, February 29, 2012

NEWS: Marvel's The Avengers Gets New Name

It seems The Movie Formerly Known as Marvel's The Avengers has undergone a title change...

According to SFX, the movie will be known in the UK by the title Marvel Avengers Assemble. 

Presumably this is to avoid confusion with the movie-of-the-cult-TV-show The Avengers. Interestingly, when the TV show was resurrected as a limited-run comicbook, it was renamed ''Steed and Mrs Peel'' to avoid any confusion with the Marvel superteam, but now it seems the shoe is on the other foot.

It's also worth noting that the press released featured at SFX continually refers to the word ''Marvel'' sans apostrophe-s. Here's hoping this is simply a typo and the US title will remain as Marvel's The Avengers rather than the ridiculous-sounding Marvel The Avengers.

Marvel's The Avengers/Marvel Avengers Assemble is set for a Summer 2012 release.


  1. Man what are they doing!? Bad idea to change the name, it sounds horrible in my opinion. Why in the hell do none of them have there masks on? This film better make the grade... I feel like comic book films always butcher the character's in some way.

    1. I've seen Marvel still refer to it as ''Marvel'S'' but the poster does say ''Marvel.'' So who knows?

      And yes, I've noticed a number of shots from the movie seem to show a mask-less Captain America in many of the scenes...


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