Monday, July 30, 2012

NEWS: Matty Collector Explains ''Early Access'' Program

The Early Access program - a new feature being introduce as part of the 2013 subs package - is pretty self-explanatory but Matty Collector has posted a few details highlighting the finer points of the system.

Starting this December, any collector with an active 2013 sub for either Club Eternia or Club Infinite Earths will be able to get their hands on the latest releases before they go on sale to the general public. Mattel has stated that production runs will be smaller next year and that the Early Access program is intended to allow subscribers a better chance of getting the releases they want before they go on sale. Although the program does not include the upcoming Watchmen line of figures and Club-specific releases are limited to Club-specific subscriptions (so in other words, a Club Infinite Earths subscriber will not be granted Early Access to Club Eternia sub-specific releases), it does include Con-exclusive releases.

Is this the best way for Matty Collector to proceed with their subscriptions? Or will - essentially - ''locking out'' the cherry-picker/casual collector be something that could come back to haunt them? We'll see when the program - which will be available to all 2013 subscribers - goes live later this year.

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