Thursday, August 25, 2011

NEWS: Matty Collector Explains Battleground Evil-Lyn Design

It seems a lot of Masters of the Universe Classics fans were upset to hear that the upcoming Battleground Evil-Lyn would not be featuring the more up-to-date female buck (''buck'' is the term used in the toy industry to describe a basic body sculpt/type) and - as a result - would lack certain points of articulation and detail seen on other female figures.

Now Mattel has explained the reasoning behind the use of this older buck.

You can read the full explanation over at Toy News International, but the real crux of the matter is addressed here:

At the time [Evil-Lyn] was being sculpted the 2.0 body was not developed yet. We knew that it was coming, but it didn't exist for us to work off of. With this in mind we felt that it would be better to go with this simpler version rather than sink a lot of tooling into a version that didn't have waist articulation, better hip function, etc. If we used up the tooling now, it may have killed the chance to do a version that 100% satisfies all of the fan requests. Now that the 2.0 body has been created and worked into the line, the door is open to do this version in the future.

Clearly fans are looking for more new parts on a grey skinned Evil Lyn. We will certainly take this into account when looking at future variants of the evil warrior goddess. There are lots of ways we can update her down the road and just as we did a She-Ra 2.0 and multiple versions of He-Man, Evil Lyn is clearly a popular enough character to warrant multiple versions.While we do not have another version of Evil Lyn on the books anytime in the immediate future, don't count her down for the count. She could very well be back when you least expect it!

Evil-Lyn will be released via Matty Collector in November.

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