Saturday, February 4, 2012

NEWS: Hi-Res GI Joe: Retaliation Wave 1 Shots

Yesterday we brought you the first look at the upcoming GI Joe: Retaliation Wave 1 line-up. But sadly the images Hasbro provided were a little small. And grainy. Now thankfully we've a host of hi-res images to - look, I'll just stop talking as you've already jumped ahead and you're looking at them as we speak, aren't you?

These images - of which you can see a whole lot more at The HISS Tank - give us a much better view of just what to expect from these toys. There are also some pretty cool play features for some figures. Zartan, for example, has interchangeable heads, Snake Eyes has some kind of Arashikage glider/backpack and spring-loaded weapons seem to feature quite heavily.

Anyway, enough yapping. Pictures for nice looking at make happy.



 See more(!) at The HISS Tank.


  1. This series of Joes look to be some of the best so far.

    1. I'm looking forward to seeing them, for sure.
