Sunday, February 5, 2012

VIDEO VIEW: The Avengers Full Super Bowl Trailer

No preamble: here's the full-length trailer for Marvel's The Avengers, as aired during the Super Bowl.

Thanks to ToysREvil for the spot.


  1. when this comes out i'll hope for the best, but brace for the worst. i saw the new THING last week on DVD. turns out it's a pre-quel. in a way it's much like the original so it doesn't offer a whole lot of new stuff. it's real strength is in how it ties in to Carpenter one in terms of detail. it's worth checking i think.

    1. I'm having trouble really getting into any other movies right now having seen the GI Joe: Retaliation trailer. This looks OK but I thought Captain America: TFA was pretty weak, to be honest so this is just registering as an ''eh, OK'' on my movie radar.

      I'll probably just catch The Thing premake on TV. In about a month. :)

  2. This and GI Joe are the two am planning to see when they come out.

    1. GI Joe: Retaliation for sure, but like I said above, I'm kind of lukewarm about this myself.

  3. Am actually more excited for Avengers than Dark Knight Rises but GI Joe trumps them both.....But i will see all 3 lol.

    1. Yeah, GI Joe: Retaliation has me very excited. The others I'm kind of looking forward to but we'll see...
